''' Please make sure the LED Dot Matrix is connected to the correct pins. The following table describes how to connect LED Dot Matrix to the 40-pin header. ----------------------------------------- ___MAX7219_______Pin Number_____Pin Name VCC 2 5V Power GND 34 GND DIN 40 GPIO0 CS 38 GPIO2 CLK 36 GPIO4 ---------------------------------------- ''' import VisionFive.gpio as GPIO import sys import time DIN = 0 CS = 2 CLK = 4 #Configure the direction of DIN, CS, and CLK as out. GPIO.setup(DIN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(CS, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(CLK, GPIO.OUT) #Display logo data. buffer = ['01111000', '01000000', '01111000', '01001111', '01111001', '00001111', '000000001', '00001111'] #LED turn off data. buffer_off = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] def sendbyte(bytedata): for bit in range(0, 8): if ((bytedata << bit) & 0x80): GPIO.output(DIN, GPIO.HIGH) else: GPIO.output(DIN, GPIO.LOW) #Configure the voltage level of CLK as high. GPIO.output(CLK, GPIO.HIGH) #Configure the voltage level of CLK as low. GPIO.output(CLK, GPIO.LOW) def WriteToReg(regaddr, bytedata): #Configure the voltage level of cs as high. GPIO.output(CS, GPIO.HIGH) #Configure the voltage level of led_pin as low. GPIO.output(CS,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(CLK, GPIO.LOW) sendbyte(regaddr) sendbyte(bytedata) GPIO.output(CS, GPIO.HIGH) def WriteALLReg(): time.sleep(0.1) for i in range(0, 8): #Write data to register address.Finally the LED matrix displays StarFive logo. WriteToReg(i+1, int(buffer[i], 2)) time.sleep(5) #Display logo. for i in range(0, 10): for j in range(0, 8): #Write data to the register address.Finally turn off the LED matrix. WriteToReg(i+1, int(buffer_off[i], 2)) time.sleep(0.1) for j in range(0, 8): #Write data to the register address.Finally the LED matrix displays with StarFive logo. WriteToReg(i+1, int(buffer[i], 2)) time.sleep(0.1) def initData(): WriteToReg(0x09, 0x00) #Set the decode mode. WriteToReg(0x0a, 0x03) #Set the brightness. WriteToReg(0x0b, 0x07) #Set the scan limitation. WriteToReg(0x0c, 0x01) #Set the power mode. WriteToReg(0x0f, 0x00) def main(): initData() while True: WriteALLReg() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())